Heading to enthusiastic bIood donors


Federale Verzekering


Video marketing & animation
Federale Verzekering has been supporting the doers, problem-solvers, trailblazers as well as entrepreneurs for many years. These past few years, we have been exploring what makes entrepreneurial hearts skip a beat in the ‘Entrepreneurial Blood’ video series we developed for them, which is how we had a brilliant idea when Federale Verzekering was looking for a charitable cause as part of its commitment of giving back to the community.
Federale Verzekeringen - Rode Kruis actie

Our goal

Let’s donate blood, as much as possible, motivating as many colleagues from Federale Verzekering as possible to join this blood drive! To show their entrepreneurial mindset, boost team spirit, and ultimately help as many people in need as possible.

Our approach

Firstly, we needed to get the CEO on board. His enthusiasm led him to make a remarkable promise. If enough blood was collected, he would train like a madman and sign up for the Strong Viking Obstacle Run. To boost the campaign’s reach even more, we created Donny, the face of the campaign! The CEO’s fanatical sidekick, he shared videos, put up posters, sent reminders, and more. He even hit the road to convince colleagues and accompany them to the Red Cross donation centres.

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The results

Donny managed to convince more than 60 colleagues to donate blood. And the CEO also kept his promise, flexing his athletic skills in the Strong Viking Obstacle Run.

Donors and prospective donors were able to look back with satisfaction on this fun campaign for a good cause thanks to the aftermovie and an article in the loyalty magazine. Now let’s do even better next year!

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