Heading to one world of beauty, both online and offline




Brand strategy & branding
Where do you buy your perfume, online or in a shop? At ICI PARIS XL , one of the largest beauty specialists in the Low Countries, you can shop anywhere you want. The only problem was that the online world felt very different from the shop that customers were accustomed to. At the same time, the brand was posting robust online growth. So how could ICI PARIS XL reconcile these two, very different worlds? The time had come to dive into their brand strategy en work on a rebranding.
Brand Strategy for ICI PARIS XL

Our approach

In 2019, we started by asking ourselves what all ICI PARIS XL’s customers had in common? After lengthy and in-depth strategic research, we realised that they mainly looked to the brand for ‘affirmation’. In response to this, we came up with the slogan we inspire you to boost your best version and make you happy. And it is this powerful idea that served as a guideline for everything, from our detailed personas and customer journeys down to the brand identity.

Brand Strategy for ICI PARIS XL: Beauty&You magazine

But this also inspired a new visual style, bringing the brand’s revamped look to life in all of its content. We also created a digital brand book for all ICI PARIS XL employees and partners, which explained the new brand identity and visual style in great detail.

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The results

A consistent rebranding, ensuring that all ICI PARIS XL customers are welcomed with the same big smile.

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Brand Strategy for ICI PARIS XL

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